Steve hires Sándor Paull as an additional pastor.Vineyard Community Church builds a permanent location on S.

He will go on to convince many over the coming years to make his vision a reality through tactics outlined in the article " 8 Signs of a Dysfunctional Church" This idea of a "quickly maturing harvest" would become the foundation of Steve's vision for church planting.Steve claims to have received visions and dreams which reveal he will gather the "cream of the crop" of Carbondale, and that those whom he disciples will quickly "mature" and go on to convert others !.The lead pastor leaves along with many members, and Jaime Moyers takes over as lead pastor. Steve Morgan introduces controversial practices like Inner Healing at Ziegler Vineyard Church, leading to a church split.Steve Morgan hears John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard Association of Churches, speak while attending a charismatic Vineyard conference similar in style to the Toronto Blessing.For more information on the Toronto Blessing listen to Season 1 of Heaven Bent by Tara Jean Stevens from the Frequency Podcasting Network.Steve Morgan traveled to Toronto to experience these services.The Toronto blessing would have a profound impact on the culture, worship, and ministry of other Vineyard Churches as well as the worship experiences at Vineyard Conferences held throughout the United States.The revival at the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church was characterized by ecstatic worship, religious ecstasy, and unusual religious phenomena, such as "holy laughter" and the spontaneous collapse of worshippers (called "Carpet Time") !.The Toronto Blessing, a charismatic revival associated with the Vineyard Association of Churches, begins in Canada.Sándor would go on to become a leading figure in The Network, acting as a second in command in recruiting and carrying out Steve's vision.Steve tells Sándor that God told him to ask Sándor if he "wanted to do the things that Jesus did" !.Steve recruits Sándor Paull for his new church.